Speaking of great blogs, this morning I have been over at
Fashion Salad, a totally up to date guide of all things fashion including "news about models, textiles, designers, magazines, and more!". It's a great reference guide and very well written with excellent product reviews - unfortunately, it's U.S based so some of the info is not relevant and a few of the products reviewed aren't available over here in Australia - but hey, you can always order over the web!
A few days ago Fashion Salad did a review of a new book recently launched called "
Green Chic: Saving the the Earth in Style by
Christie Matheson. Green Chic "dispels the myth that going green and staying fashion forward don’t go hand in hand". The book offers dozens of author-tested, earth-friendly ideas to help save our precious planet.
I'm thrilled that there are now a plethora of books on this topic. The global fashion industry has been a contributor to environmental issues for a very long time now and books such as these help give perspective and highlight realistic ways that all of us can help make a difference - including the fashion obsessed!
Now, I can't seem to find a copy on my beloved
Dymocks online store at present, but the ever resourceful
Amazon came up with the goods! And at US$12.95 + shipping, it's a bargain!
Oh, and the book is printed on 100% recycled paper.